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Defining Latin America’s Sustainable Aviation Fuel & Feedstock Landscape

Companies Attending

*Sessions delivered in English with Portuguese translation available*

31 March - 2 April, 2025 | São Paulo

Sustainable Aviation Futures’ hosts its inaugural Latin America event, in São Paulo. Featuring 250+ aviation, energy and biofuel industry professionals, the three-day event will digest the momentum of the Latin American aviation region and understand how the region can drive global supply for SAF.

With Brazil recently announcing a SAF mandate by 2027, as well as the BNDES providing $1.1 bn USD in financing sustainable fuels, government support has provided reassurances to the biofuel market. Coupled with global recognition as the leading feedstock producer in the world, the Latin American region has positioned itself as a new potential global leader in the SAF market.

Which countries will feature?

LIMITED passes remaining:
Secure your place TODAY!

Why should you attend?

Sustainable Aviation Futures LATAM Congress will bring together senior members of the value chain from feedstock providers, fuel producers, airlines, policymakers, financiers, technology companies and more…

All attendees will have the chance to experience:

  • Expert analysis and international expertise, knowledge and case studies of SAF projects, technologies and policies from across the world to Latin America.

  • Expectations of Brazil’s SAF mandate from 2027 and 6bn Brazilian reais investment for SAF projects and its impact on the SAF market.

  • The impact of Latin America’s SAF roadmaps and chance to hear from 60 expert speakers sharing valuable insights on scaling SAF, infrastructure capabilities and feedstock feasibility studies.

LAST CHANCE to secure your pass!

Recently Confirmed Speakers

  • Tiago Pereira

    President Director

  • Romina Altamriano

    Fuel Regulation and Market Analyst
    Ministry of Energy Chile

  • Osorio Coelho

    Director of Program Innovations
    Brazilian Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation

  • Luiz de Mendonça

    Chief Executive Officer

  • Mauro Mattoso

    Head of Department - Biofuels

  • Cesar Pereira

    Head of Sustainability for Commercial Aviation

  • Maria Elisa Curcio

    Director of Public Affairs and Sustainability
    LATAM Airlines

  • Maria Whittaker

    Chief Corporate Responability Officer
    Abra Group

Sponsorship Opportunities.

Sustainable Aviation Futures LATAM Congress provides a platform for businesses and organisations looking to promote their solutions and credentials on the pathway to aviation decarbonisation and will feature extensive branding and thought leadership opportunities.

  • Tiered Sponsorship - Showcase your expertise during a presentation or panel discussion, pre-event recorded interview, or a featured webinar. Secure your space on the exhibition floorplan and secure passes for your team.

  • Branding Feature your company logo on the event badge and lanyards, alongside the premium dinner, lunches and coffee breaks or even as the Networking App Sponsor.

  • Targeted Networking – Secure your space and schedule meetings in the Networking Zone to engage with clients and customers and showcase your solutions, products and services.

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Global Investment Partner

Strategic Partner

Meeting Room Sponsor

What to expect:

  • A 3-day event featuring 20 hours of content, panels and keynotes covering the
    A-Z of SAF, biofuels, eFuels and finance and regulation.

  • 60+ expert speakers from across the aviation and fuel production value chain, including international regulators, fuel producers, airlines, banks and OEMs.

  • Network and meet with 250+ professionals involved in aviation fuels, biofuels, feedstock production, policymaking and airline strategies.

  • Take advantage of 12+ hours of structured networking to establish contacts in an industry set for exciting annual growth over the next three decades.

Watch our recent Congress highlights video below:

2025 Supporting Partners

Interested in speaking, sponsoring or attending Sustainable Aviation Futures LATAM Congress?

Get in touch to discuss how YOUR company can get involved at Sustainable Aviation Futures LATAM Congress. Whether you are looking to present your research in front of 250+ people from across the entire aviation and energy value chain, showcase new products and services to future and existing clients or experience 3-days of unforgettable learning and networking opportunities, we would love to hear from you. Contact Commercial Director, Owen Raw-Rees today:

Contact Us

Owen Raw-Rees - Commercial Director
+44 (0) 20 4591 1949

Sustainable Aviation Futures offer a great opportunity to network with experts across the SAF value chain.

- Johnson Matthey

Sustainable Aviation Futures delivered an amazing event for networking, education, and collaboration across all aspects related to and industries supporting SAF.

- AmSpec Group